2016-17 End-of-the-Year Parent Survey Joyner

TPSD strives to receive honest feedback from parents.   Please select the best answer for each question.  We want you to know that your responses are anonymous.

1. My child enjoyed school.
2. My child was challenged academically. 
3. It was easy for me to communicate with the principal or other school administrators. 
4. It was easy for me to communicate with the teachers. 
5. Check the digital resources that have been useful to you:
6. I was involved in the PTA/PTO.
7. My child felt safe at school.
8. I was encouraged and offered opportunities to become involved at school.
9. My child received help from the counselor for:
10. My child was treated effectively by the school nurse.
11. My child was involved in an extra-curricular activity.
12. I believe that discipline was handled fairly.
13. Check the digital resources your child found useful:
14. I would recommend this school to my friends and colleagues.

Thank you for completing this survey.