Training Reservations for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Prevention and Testing Workshops 

On line registration is required and must be received one week prior to the training. 

Fundamentals of HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Test Results 
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of HIV Prevention Counseling 
(Note: MDH strongly recommends taking both trainings within the same three-day set) 
HIV Testing Data and Bloodborne Pathogen Training (Only for MDH funded HIV testing grantees)
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of HIV Prevention Counseling and HIV Test Results (either previously taken or currently enrolled)
I understand that for me to benefit from this workshop I need to attend the entire session, without phone or pager interruptions. My supervisor is aware and supportive of this requirement.

Please call 651-201-3536 with special accommodations, including dietary requirements, need for interpreter, etc.
Also call 651-201-3536 if you are registering one week or less prior to the training date to ensure space is still available.

Please print and retain a copy of your confirmation for your records.

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