
Minnesota Kognito Champion Program Application

The Minnesota Departments of Health and Education along with Kognito are recognizing schools and districts in Minnesota that successfully implement the Minnesota School Personnel Mental Health training.

Schools or districts earn the Minnesota Kognito Champion recognition by doing the following:
·        Launch - promote the training to staff.
·        Learn - allow time to complete the training.
·        Lead - follow up with training participants.
All recognized schools or district applications will receive the following Kognito Champion items:
·        Certificate of Excellence signed by MDH and MDE commissioners
·        Virtual marketing items: web banner, signature lines
·        Recognition in MDH suicide prevention newsletter and website.

The first 15 schools/district approved applications receive Kognito Champion swag bags including: pens, note pads, coffee cups, Champion placard!

Please provide the following information for us to process your application.

Team implementation lead contact information:

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