Evaluation - Winter 2018 Community Engagement | Tobacco | Regional Meetings

Thank you for your help in making the Regional Meetings a success. Please complete the following evaluation to help MDH better plan for upcoming trainings and technical assistance opportunities.

Which Regional Meeting did you attend?
Overall, did the Regional Meeting:
How would you describe the following?
Regional Meeting content
Hands-on activities
Networking opportunities
To what extent did the Regional Meeting help you:Not at allA littleSomeA lot
Increase your skills to use one-to-one meetings to build new relationships and to expand support for PSE work
Increase your skills to identify allies for policy change and potential members of all SHIP related collaborative groups
Increase your knowledge of how to develop a strategy chart for tobacco policy work
Receive and review new county tobacco profiles and planning tools
If you had requested time with your Community Specialist during the day, was this request met?
Did you leave the Regional Meeting with skills, knowledge or resources that you will be able to use immediately?
100% Complete