MDH Chemical Nomination Form

This form is for nominating contaminants to the Drinking Water Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) initiative. The purpose of this form is to gather specific information on the contaminant and understand the nominator’s need for the chemical to be reviewed.

Please provide the following information, for each nominated chemical, if available. Be sure to submit specific, individual chemicals and not chemical groups such as “plastics” or “herbicides”. If nominating multiple chemicals, please fill out a separate form for each chemical.

For a list of chemicals with current MDH guidance, refer to our Health-Based Water Guidance Table (opens in a new window). For a list of chemicals that have already been nominated, refer to our Nominated Contaminants Status Table (PDF) (opens in a new window). Chemicals can be re-nominated, especially if new concerns have arisen or new information is available.

Occurrence in Minnesota
Information regarding where, how frequently and at what concentrations a chemical has been found helps MDH prioritize nominations.
Do you have any occurrence information?
Has the chemical been detected in water?
Toxicity Information Availability
Information on how toxic a chemical is or what health effects it causes helps MDH prioritize nominations.
Are you aware of any available toxicity information or information regarding health effects for this chemical?

Please Note
MDH is not able to conduct a full review and/or develop health based guidance for every contaminant that is nominated. Please contact us with questions or comments  at 651-201-4899 or

At the discretion of MDH, CEC staff will develop guidance for contaminants that are not nominated by an outside party and that are not assessed through a selection process. For more information on our selection process see CEC Nomination and Selection Process (opens in a new window).