Canyon Center Visitor Survey

1. When was your most recent visit to the Canyon Center?

2. Was this the first time you've ever visited the Canyon Center?

3. Please indicate the level of your agreement with each of the following statements regarding the Canyon Center. Check "N/A," if any of the items do not apply to you. Provide any comments you might have concerning these statements in the box below.
Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
In General
The staff was professional.
The amenities were adequate.
Overall I was satisfied with the appearance.
Film and Gift Shop
I was satisfied with the theater.
The content of the film was informative and intriguing.
Gift Shop had a variety of merchandise.
Gift Shop staff was friendly.
Gift Shop staff was helpful.
Overall I was satisfied with the Gift Shop.
The restrooms were clean.
Restroom fixtures (toilets, sinks, faucets, etc.) were working properly.
Ventilation in restrooms was adequate.
Interior lighting in restrooms was adequate.
Restroom supplies (toilet paper and hand soap) were sufficient.
Safety and Security
The environment was safe.
The lighting around exterior of restrooms, store and walkways was adequate.

4. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the Canyon Center.


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