Making it Better Regional Meeting - April & May 2016 


This is a training for Statewide Health Improvement leaders working on healthy eating activities in communities, schools, and child care settings.  To further collaboration, University of Minnesota Extension identified SNAP-Educators most closely aligned with healthy eating in local communities to be invited to join us for these meetings.

Training Objectives
1.  Discuss current recommendations, trends and highest impact approaches to effectively increase healthful eating. 
2.  Build your capacity to implement SHIP 4 Healthy Eating Strategies in child care settings, schools and communities with take-away resources and planning tools.
3.  Enhance your skills to effectively organize for broad-based community engagement and advance policy and systems change agendas tailored to your community or region.
4.  Utilize completed School Health Index assessments, to identify areas of SHIP alignment and continuous school health initiatives. 

NOTE: Please have registrant answer the survey questions!

2. Which Regional Learning Meeting do you plan to attend?

3. What sector do you represent?


4. How long have you worked on SHIP initiatives?

6. I would rate my knowledge of Healthy Eating and SHIP strategies:

7. My skill level for Action Planning and thinking strategically with a policy, systems and environmental (PSE) approach:

To get this summary, follow the instructions below:
    • Log on to
    • Select top tab, ‘Log In/Register’ with your personal log in.
    • Under Take Action heading, select ‘Schools.’
    • Select orange ‘My School’ button and from the drop down menu on the top right select a school that you would
       like to use for the upcoming skill building session with action planning.  Please note, they must have at least
       modules 1-4, 7-8 complete. 
    • After school is picked from the drop down menu, select ‘Assessment’ from the tab options on the left
      side of the screen.
    • Select the download icon on the right side of the screen and select open from the popup window.
    • Once the spreadsheet is open, go to file ‘print’.  If you change your setting to landscape orientation from portrait
       orientation you will have 4 pages total.  Please note, the full headings/responses are NOT needed in the
       hard copy print out as we will be focusing on the 2nd and the 5th column of the print out, including question
       number and the school responses identified by a 0,1,2, or 3.
    • Bring hard copy to the regional training that you will be attending.

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