Assessment of Clinic Hypertension Management Practices

The Minnesota Department of Health is working to decrease undiagnosed high blood pressure and increase action to control it through health care and community. We are conducting an assessment to determine resources, training, and technical assistance needs of clinics in order to help clinics achieve their hypertension management goals. Please take a moment (10-15 minutes) to complete this short assessment.

Enter in the following information:

 Worksite is (choose one):
Certified Health Care Home (HCH)
HCH certification in process
Not a HCH

1. What constitutes a clinical diagnosis of hypertension? Check all that apply.
ICD 9/10
2 or more elevated readings are obtained on at least 2 visits over a period of 1 to several weeks

2.  Which of the following is true about blood pressure (BP) screening at your clinic? (Please check all that apply)
Blood pressure is checked in both arms
BP is taken at least once every 2 years
BP is not taken if it has been < 30 minutes since the patient has used tobacco, eaten, or ingested caffeine
Blood pressure is checked in same arm as the one used at the last visit
Patient has been seated for at least 5 minutes with feet on the floor, back and arm supported, legs uncrossed, when BP is measured
If BP is elevated, another BP in the same arm is taken before the patient leaves
A wide (large adult) BP cuff is used if midpoint arm circumference is 35 - 44 centimeters (14 - 17 inches)
An adult thigh BP cuff is used if midpoint arm circumference is 45 - 52 centimeters (17.5 – 20 inches)
Sphygmomanometers are recalibrated every 6 months
Other: Please describe 

3.  Where are blood pressure screening results documented? (Please check all that apply)
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Paper chart
Other: Please describe 

4.  Which patients receive counseling for hyperrtension management? (Please check all that apply)
Patients with prehypertension (120-139 systolic OR 80-89 diastolic) on more than one office visit
Patients with new hypertension (>139 systolic OR >90 diastolic) on more than one office visit
Patients with a history of stroke whose BP is not <120/80
Patients with diabetes whose BP is not <130/80
Patients with chronic kidney disease whose BP is not <130/80
Patients with proteinuria (>1gram/day) whose BP is not <125/75
Other: Please describe 

5.  What is included in the counseling? (Please check all that apply)
Patient is simply told to make necessary lifestyle changes
Health literacy is evaluated
Techniques are used such as “Ask-Tell-Ask,” “Collaborative Conversation,” “Motivational Interviewing,” or other aids for Shared Decision Making and developing a mutually agreed upon care plan
Lifestyle changes are discussed; patient explores and decides with staff what changes can be achieved
Results of screenings are reviewed with patient and discussed
Evidence-based interventions, such as the DASH diet, increased physical activity, etc., are considered in the context of the patient’s clinical situation and resources
Assessment of wellness status & readiness-to-change is reviewed with patient
Self-monitoring of BP at home is reviewed, including how to get and use necessary equipment
Patient goals for hypertension management are documented in medical record problems/goals list
Medication use is discussed, such as reviewing all meds, reviewing administration instructions, etc.


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